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Awakening of students

  1. School
  2. Student 
  3. The mind of student
  4. Student's awakening 
  5. Receptivity 
  6. understand 
  7. Attentive 
  8. Rest 
  9. Dicipline 
  10. Silence 
  11. Ingenuity 
  12. Easiness 
  13. The nature 
  14. One task at a time 
  15. Creativity 
  16. Meditation 
  17. Sport 
  18. Truth 
  19. Karma 
  20. The goal 
  21. The art of living 


School is a temple of education and knowledge. 

Dear students, we enter such a school as we enter such a temple, with full dedication, so that education or knowledge can be accepted as a gift. 


Being a teacher is a great thing in itself, but being a student is bigger than that. 

Dear students, what is to be a student? When you learn something by putting all the parts of your mind - running, all the problems, all the knowledge aside, then that state is a state of student. At this stage you become one with the teacher, the distance between you and your teacher completely ends. So you become a teacher yourself.  

The mind of the student

It is very important for the children to be present in the class with the mind. The children can fully understand any subject by the present mind. 

Dear students, when I teach you, I see that you are lost somewhere, you are thinking something else, in the imagination you are meeting your friends, playing with them. Wandering with the mind in this way is the reason for not connecting the mind with the study. Whenever you wander with your mind, then suddenly I call your name, then your mind becomes present in the classroom for a few moments. With this present mind, you can understand a subject completely. 

Student's awakening 

The education which brings awake is the right education. 

Dear students, students of class first and second can not stay awake for long. Every two or four minutes they are lost in thoughts, or start talking to each other. So instead of teaching them, they have to keep on waking up more. For this, I have to be very cautious and active. Whenever they start talking or lost in thoughts, suddenly I stand up in front of them, or I call them by their name. Sometimes I suddenly stole a hat and put a sap, or leaving my work I see them, then the other students begin to laugh at their objections and make them aware. 

With such studies, many of these games take place throughout the year, in which children's consciousness becomes aware and alert throughout the year. And they also seem to understand awakening. So, if the students want to be always aware they can be and with the study they can understand themself.    


When your mind is empty from thoughts, then it is receptive. 

Dear students, when the cup of tea is already filled, you can not fill it anymore, and if the filling is done, the tea will be out of cup. When the cup is empty, it can be filled. Similarly when your mind becomes empty with thoughts then it is called receptive mind.   


when you listen completely,then your mind fully active.
Dear students, when you listen completely, then you understand something completely. Now whenever I explain to you a lesson, you have to listen me without thinking. You just have to listen, do not have to consider to listen, when you listen, ahead of the thing - do not run ahead, do not take the conclusion while listening. That's a good understanding.    


Attentive mind is a powerful mind. 

Dear students, be attentive, we has to be powerful in ourself. When you are asked for caution,  not just your body, mind too be attentive. When you make of your mind attentive too, you become very powerful, because attentive mind can face all the problems. 


Resting is a great art, which gives you power.  

Dear students, when you are asked for rest, not only your body, but also rest your mind, stop your mind running here and there, stop thinking and you stay in yourself. Just listen to what you hear in this pause, just look at what you see. With this, you will get refreshed and will learn more - from more. 


An awakened student can live in discipline. 

Dear students, the student who is attentive, is aware of himself, does not need to discipline him. Discipline comes from his conscience. A disciplined student is infinite. 


 Our mind becomes vast by silence 

Dear students, I see in class that after saying 'good morning' you start doing something . Some students say 'Good Morning' while doing something . You do not know to sit quietly. Many students  pretend to sit quietly, but they have to keep doing something . As soon as I leave the classroom, they start their same work. It is a habit of weak mind that it keeps doing something , because it seems easy to keep doing something, but it is very difficult to sit quietly. Are you so weak that you can not be silent for some time? Whenever you find time, be calm and silent.  


Simplicity always keeps the mind of the students fresh. 

Dear students, my experience is that which thing I can not explain to elder people,children can understand , because the children do not have any resistance in their mind because of simplicity. They accept everything directly - However, the mind of the elders is very complex. They make straightforward things too complicated, but you are all very simple, very close to simplicity. So you can understand this simplicity easily and can always be simple. 


Simple and straightforward student are similar to wet soil. Let them shape like that, they fall like that. 

 Dear students, meditation is one of the simplest things of the world, but people do not understand easily. Many of us are such a student to whom I talk about meditation, they immediately go into meditation, because they are very comfortable. When they study, they only study. When they play, they just play and when they eat food, they only eat food. 

The nature 

You have to stay in your nature, so that no one can make you sad. 

Dear students, when a child is born, being year or two, then what is his nature? That's your nature. When you are away from your nature, you are sad, otherwise no power of the world can make you sad. 

One task at a time 

When you do the same thing at a time, that work is beautiful. 

Dear students, do not think about any other work while doing a task. Do not come to thoughts between yourself and your work. Now every work will fill you with happiness and love, which you seek in every task. 


Creativity is a realization with which you create something.
Dear students, when I ask you to make a picture or to paint in a picture, your full attention remains on the picture or on your work, but  not on the doer or on the self. When your focus is on both creation and creator, then you are creative. Creation and creator in creativity become united. In this unity your every work becomes creative.  


Meditation is the message of peace and happiness in a struggling life.
Dear students, you do not need to meditate, meditation comes naturely. the children are very close to meditation. Whenever you feel the state of no mind, be aware of it, stay in it. Gradually you will come to know that what is the meditation? Then you will be able to go into meditation whenever you want. 


 while playing the game, your mind and body being one available to healthy
Dear students, while playing the game you are alert and attentive, due to which your body and mind move together and you are available to meditation. Then this meditation moves in your other activities. 


 When the truth is in front of us, we can not see it. What is the truth.
Dear students, truth is a sight, by which you see the world. From this sight,you see the world as it is, but you see it with the eyes of dreams, feelings or expectations, which causes the world to see like Hell. Whereas the world is heaven. 


Exercise by being existent is a creative action. 

Dear students, each of us has no existence of ourselves. Without our existence, there is no basis of our karma. Our existence or our being becomes the basis of our karma . This is the karma yoga. With this karma, we create the world.


Your goal should be yours so that your life can be successful.

Dear students, you all want to be something in your life - that's why you make a goal in your life, which is a thought. That idea you have got from outside . While your goal should come from your conscience and it comes only when you know the goal-maker. When the goal-maker knows himself, then he can set the goal of his life.

The art of living       

Life happens when you are with yourself.

Dear students, when you are away from yourself, in a world of thoughts and dreams so you become sad and turbulent, but when you are in yourself, then sadness and unrest are lost. 

Move your attention and your work together in this struggling world, so that you remain calm and joyful. This is the art of living life. 


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