Q. Can physical pleasure be attained by meditation? Pleasure can be achieved by meditation. Great enjoyment can be attained. Meditation is done only to attain material happiness. You buy something that brings you happiness. Within a few days it's happiness disappears and you start thinking of buying other things. Therefore, you go on buying things one after the other, but there is no feeling of happiness from them. You have to be in order to achieve material happiness. Stagnation of your mind is necessary. At the time of feeling of material pleasure, our mind wanders somewhere else, due to which the feeling of material happiness is not fully available. Meditation makes physical happiness fully attainable. Wandering mind in thoughts get peace. Teaches you to live moment to moment and makes things fully felt. Provides material pleasure. Meditation makes things conscious. Without meditation you make thing to a human and get the great causes. Meditation is not free from enjoymen...
spiritual-secreats is a programme to enlighten people. This is a spiritual blog where people will know- what is lust, love death, happiness, sorrow, religion, God, salvation, illusion. Students will learn- The mind, Student's awakening, receptivity, understanding, attentive, rest, dicipline, silence, ingenuity Easiness, nature, creativity, Meditation, goal, art of living.