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Spiritual Thoughts

1. My master and I are one
I was in search of truth. I mate my master who was a woman. I stayed with her for a week. Her energy made me  same as her. Then I was in search of myself  I could not search because I was completely finished. I was nowhere in the universe or I was the universe. 
Since I occur in the universe and I can see it.
Now both my being and my absence are happening simultaneously. Both my birth and death are happening simultaneously. They both are one.

2. Is the life joke ?
When I used to lie, people did not believe me because there was no one to tell the truth among them. Now even if I tell the truth, people do not believe me because there is no one to believe in them. Now I make fun of me so that people can understand their joke and laugh at themselves because they are  laughing Buddha.

3. Hide & Seek
In meditation, when I find my soul, I do not know where I hide and when I come out my soul does not know where it is hidden. So I play hide & seek, only to know who am I ?

4. Come follow your kids
When a child is born, what is his nature when he is two to three years old. That is your nature. When you get away from your nature, then you are sad, otherwise no power in the world can make you sad. You recognise your nature, for that you have to spend some time with children. Feel their feelings. Play with them. Play not according to yourself and forget yourself. Now you can enter into the kingdom of God.

5. The Godness
All children are the same, but according to their own intelligence, they make their own perception of right and wrong from what they learn from society. Outwardly we are all different but internally we are all one. We are all in search of this unity. This is Godness.

6. Power of God
You needed support every moment since birth. That support is still following you. God help you or not but when you don't believe in anyone, faith in God gives you courage or support Which you believe in yourself. You get this belief from  external while it is inside you.

7.  Glimpses of Childhood
When I was a child, sometimes my mind's process would stop suddenly. My eyes would remain open. If I was looking at something, I kept looking at it. It had neither object nor subject . I wished that I was staying in this state. But it used to come and go. It occurs to everyone.
When I grew up, this incident often happened when I woke up. This is the awakening I talk about, which the saints receive in meditation.

8. Are concentration and meditation same?
Concentration and Meditation are not same. Concentration is a way to go in meditation. 
You select an object for concentration then give attention on it so that your mind do not wander here and there. This is concentration you can do but not meditation.
You have to just be in meditation because meditation is not a process to do something. Your thinking process stops there. You and your concentration object becomes one in it. You go beyond yourself.
Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of Ocean. It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water it melted. Now, who was there to report the ocean's depth.

9. My master
When I was working with my master for many years he made me alone and she leaved me at that time when I was alone.  
I knew myself. My Being was nothingness and nothingness is wholeness is love. Since I am always in  when I felt it.  In nothingness, wholeness and love I pray to my master to come but I know she will never come.

10. Life's purpose is life
We cannot know life . Life teaches us life. 
Life occurs when I am alone with myself. It occurs for a moment when any wish fulfilled. When my friend meets me. When I see birds in the sky. Then, when I see laughing of a child. Beloved says 'I love you' first time then. When someone hugs me with love. As slowly life has taught me what life is? 
I am full of life. Now wherever I see, I see life. 
I used to love life. Now life loves me. In this love, life occurs.
Now I and life are one. We are just love not of anyone nor anything. It is life not of me nor anything.

11. Are you in love?
We want to be one with everyone and everything because it gives pleasure and peace. You work hard to get  something or someone, at that moment when you get it your mind's work stops, your thought stops. Your self dissolves. you are in love which attracts you everytime. 
A person or thing has a value only that they open the door of love. You and your god are one in love.

12. Who am I ?
Being alone feels like I am no one, 
so I run to be someone. 
I have many faces but which face is mine I do not know ?

13. See the truth
Whichever you think and explain about a thing or a person to yourself,
Your mind conditions by it then you are not able to see the truth directly of it.

14. The rain
The rain from the sky is the semen to the earth by which many kinds of creatures and plants take birth.
It nourishes not only to the earth but also human.
15. The last door
When I peeped in my mind, I saw there desires, lusts and thoughts. Whenever I used to witness them, they dissolved and I was thrown on myself. Gradually I learned that accept me everything else is false, so I started living in myself. Then I realized that my being included everything. I was surprised. Now wherever I look, I find myself.
Narada asked Lord Vishnu what is your illusion? Vishnu said, I will tell you later. 
Once both of them were traveling from the sky, Vishnu said to Narada that I am thirsty. Bring water for me from somewhere. 
On coming to Earth, Narada knocked on a door to ask for water. A beautiful woman came out of it. Narada was fascinated by seeing her. They both got married. They also had three children. 
One day it rained heavily. It caused floods. His entire family was swept away by the flood.Narada somehow saved himself, but lost his entire family. He was crying on the river bank, then Lord Vishnu grabbed Narada's hand and pulled it up. 
Narada had seen a frightful dream. Lord told him that this is my illusion. 
Narada realized his existence. As soon as Narada bowed to Lord, He knew that you were me.

16. Just listen
Meditation is the greatest truth of the world. We all know about meditation. We do meditation but we are not able to be in meditation. Being in meditation is a different thing. Meditation can be said, but not understood. It is possible to understand being in meditation, but there is no one to understand it. 
We say that I experienced this in meditation. I experienced that in meditation while meditation happens beyond all experience. 
You try to listen which has not been said. If you can listen, then listen. Maybe you will get meditation.

17. The life
Life means to feel your being. To know your being. To live with your being. Only then you know what life is. Your being is complete in itself. Your life is complete in itself. There is no demand of it. It does not need anything.

18. Who is God ?
God is love. This love is not an emotion or idea. When lover and beloved are together, they do not know the time. They go beyond time. This love is life. While we spend our life in feelings and thoughts.

19. Do you know the subject ?
Whatever you do, you say, I did it... I did that. Are you sure you have done it? 
If you do not know yourself, how can you say that you have done it. Is there any basis for your work ? 
Unless you know the subject, how can you call work your own ?
Work is possible only when you know the subject. Then you can know what you have to do. You can choose your goal.

20. The God of love
When you love your are in front of yourself. You love yourself. If you love being in love then how can you say that you love others.
You love only the God by others. They are the door to inter the temple of God.

21. My important dreams
When I was 20 I dreamed. I saw a sage. I followed him without saying any word. It meant. I intered in a spiritual school after six months of the dream.
When my inner energy or Kundalini was moving upwards, I used to dream of snakes. The Kundalini moves from one center to another every 7 years. In these years I have dreamed of snakes many times.
A 15-year-old girl lived next to my house. I had no interaction with her. She was dying in her room due to some disease. About 15 days before she died, I dreamed that my elder brother had died. Although he was alive. (In Hindu society, the  dead body was burnt.) And I was burning him in my own room. I was suffocated by the smoke coming out of it.
When I was 29 my mother died. I dreamed thrice since 15 days after my mother died. In the dream my mother used to come and I used to say her, 'Hey you were dead. How did you come back?' Meant that after my mother my aunt came to live with me. She cared me as my mother.
My mother came again in my dream 3 years after her death. We were going to the cemetery talking . On reaching the gate, the mother looked into my eyes. I realized that she is saying that you too come with me. Meanwhile, after 2 days, I again dreamed that we were speeding in a ship. There was water all-around in the sea. My mother was laughing at me. These two dreams came because I was having a slow attack  during  that time which lasted for 2 to 3 days. It stopped slowly after 3 days. I survived.
Spiritually, these dreams have no meaning in my life.

22. Addiction
Thinking is a bad addiction. This destroys your sanity and peace. You are unable to feel life which you have always wanted.

23. Are you a thing ?
Thought is power which you accumulate as capital. You destroy your being, your life, your soul in it. 
If you do not know yourself, then you are just an object, which does not have the ability to decide right and wrong. Whoever as wants, uses as it.

24. follow yourself
Follow yourself because the master is inside you. He knows all and everything. 
When you are, he is not and when he is, you are not. 
You be one with him in meditation. Know him, live with him, eat with him, sleep with him.

25. Body is the tample of God
Be ears of the God,
He wants to hear by.
Be eyes of the God,
He wants to see through.
Be nose of the God,
He wants to breathe with.
Be mouth of the God,
He wants to speak through.
Be hands of the God,
He wants to work with.
Be the body of the God,
He wants to live in.

26. Be positive
Without being positive, 
you cannot think positive. 
Positivity comes by nature 
which is your being. 
Although, your being is lost 
in your thoughts.
You are just thoughts 
not the being.
It generally comes,
when you are seeing things
without giving thoughts on.

27. Good night
Nights make me believe that God is like it.
Day has to be but night is always.
Day can be many but night is one.
Night births to day in the morning,
gives death in the night.

28. The God
The God lives,
Being our life.
The God dies,
Being our death.
The God liberates,
Being our liberation.

29. My heart
My silence speaks the language of heart which is connected to all. It speaks  to itself. It listens to itself.

30. Hide & Seek
Now the God plays Hide & Seek.
I do not seek him.
He always seeks me as I seek myself.

31. Open the heart
God is everywhere. Wherever you see the God is. You can not lock him in the tample. He is coming continue but our door is closed. God himself comes where you are.

32. The Sun & I
The Sun and I are one and all 
the planets move around me.


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