Yes! Your mind has no wish to live life. I also did not have wish to live.
When a person is tired with working from morning to evening, he has to rest in the night. When a person is tired of life, he seeks rest in death.
We get tired or upset with life because we do not know how to relax. We are troubled throughout our lives. But we are not able to relax. A troubled person remains troubled even after death.
Relaxation in life is in life, not in death.
Being in relaxation is one of the greatest arts, which gives you life.
When you go to rest from the fatigue of life, rest not only your body but also your mind. Stop your mind running around, stop thinking, and you stay in yourself.
With this you will be refreshed and your life will be resurrected.
Life happens when you are with yourself. When you get lost in a world of thoughts and dreams away from you, you become unhappy and disturbed.
It is easy to be in meditation during rest. So take a meditative rest. This meditation will enter your work.
In this struggling world, meditation and your work move together, so that you remain calm and remain blissful. This is the art of living life.